MCAT CARS: Schema Development

After having taught CARS for over 4 years, Aj. Sumi our CARS expert and tutor has expressed to AJ. Rani, founder of Learning Hub and MEDI PREP, that she continuously encounters similar issues year after year that are:

1. students’ inability to truly interpret sentences and,

2. students’ limited vocabulary stock.

Aj. Sumi, after discussion with her peers, has come up with a solution: Schema Development. (WHaaaattttttt is this!!? :D)

Let me explain: Schema Development basically is exposing students to articles on many topics before attending proper CARS class to increase their vocabulary bank and also increase their understanding of sentences in their diverse contexts.

Hence, with this understanding, Aj. Rani has developed an Advanced Reading Interpretation Practice and Schema Development as the first class of next MCAT’ 25 group course. Upon registration of MCAT group course, students will be given 9 academic articles on various topics (diligently researched by Rani and Sumi on high-yield topics in MCAT CARS and topics students find most difficulty dealing with) to peruse before class begins.

The class will be intensively interpreting sentences in the article’s context and learning to find meaning of weird words without using a dictionary (FUN!…hahahaha).

Students will definitely be able to implement reading skills gained from this class to all MCAT sections, read faster, have an adequate understanding after one read.

See all you aspiring doctors soon!

Happy Learning!

Rani 🙂

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