Posts tagged #mcatthailand

Critical Thinking & Scientific Reasoning Skills for MCAT

One of the most important skills being tested in MCAT is your critical thinking, which involves skill sets such as problem solving, analysis and inductive reasoning. These skills will be tested in both scientific (e.g. biology, biochemistry, physics and chemistry) and non-scientific (e.g. CARS) settings. So what must be done to perfect such skills?!

The first thing you have to do is study and memorize all the contents that are required for all subjects. This is an inevitable challenge, of course, otherwise, you won’t be able to apply what you know to answer the questions correctly. As the quote from Benjamin Franklin, “Practice makes Perfect”. This is absolutely true for MCAT. Since such skills can’t be improved overnight, this is what you have to do.

At Learning Hub, we will provide you with tons of questions from various sources. You will be familiarized with different types of research-based passages, data, graphs and styles of questions you will see in the actual MCAT. And through this question bank, you will develop and improve your comprehension within and beyond the text MCAT given to you. This is what MCAT is assessing you because these are skills for a good physician!
